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Brand is a set of features that allow to distinguish Your product from any other on the market. The main objective of the brand development is to cause and to strengthen consumer confidence. After all, no one buys from those whom one doesn‘t trust? Your customer is arranged in the same way. To respond to this, branding consists of several stages.

To make a purchase decision, consumers should start to understand the unique distinction of Your brand from the competition. Thus this difference should be of value to him, which he would be willing to exchange for money.

What is my benefit? What are the emotional and / or rational benefits that I do get from the brand? Why should I choose You instead of Your competitors? These consumer questions are answered by the positioning. This is the foundation of the brand, its essence, which the buyers will hear in future in all communications – starting from naming and logo and finishing by the advertising media.

In the process of work on positioning, we study the brand itself, identifying and creating its unique selling proposition (USP). Also the competitors and the values that they broadcast will be analysed. In this way obvious, hidden and subconscious motives of consumption (insights) of Your prospective buyers will reveal themselves.

Results: the document containing an analysis of competitors’ communication, segmenting the targeted audience, the unique selling proposition of Your brand, its rational and emotional benefits, description of the positioning concept, the legend and the mission of the brand.

A purchase begins with the first impression you get when you meet a brand for the first time. And an acquaintance begins with a name. Accordingly, the likelihood of a purchase increases when a brand has a more pleasant name.

In the process of naming, we create a name that must meet a certain set of criteria: availability for trademark and domain registration; ease of use in oral and written communication; absence of negative associations in foreign languages, direct or indirect association with brand values.

The result: a pdf-presentation of names with their textual description, options available for domain name registration, slogan ideas.


Our brain is designed so that the more often we see an object, the less mistrust we place in it. Thus, the logo is both a symbol reflecting the main characteristics of the brand, and a tool for attracting consumers’ attention, reminding them that there is an opportunity for purchase. In order to successfully fulfill their functions, a logo and corporate identity of the brand should, apart from the creative aspect, distinguish your brand from competition, be convenient and economical to apply, look coherent in the digital environment, conform to graphic design trends, and be easy to remember.

All these nuances are established by the rules of corporate identity. The purpose of these rules is to ensure brand recognition, its memorability and the fastest possible readability on any media.

The result: a Logobook – a document that contains a logo (horizontal, vertical, with and without a descriptor, using symbol and letter-, wordmark solutions separately), corporate colors (CMYK, RGB, PANTONE), recommendations for corporate fonts, graphic patterns, layout rules, unacceptable transformations.

Corporate identity is designed for a brand on the basis of its logo and is used as a tool for business communication. Corporate identity helps the company to be easily identified.

Based on the logo, a style form is developed as a set of unique graphic elements that create a signature style. A colour palette is developed, individual fonts are picked to create a general visual image.

Corporate identity is usually developed through letterheads, envelopes and business cards, but upon client’s request, this list can be expanded depending on the company’s operations and media.

Consumer’s impression is influenced by both the corporate identity and the media on which it is used. The purpose of developing a brandbook is to enhance positive perception and increase chances of purchase by creating a unified system of visual communication with customers. A brandbook includes mock-ups of branded products and standards for their production: types of paper, printing methods, typographic effects, recommendations regarding materials for creating advertising structures, etc.

A brandbook includes layouts of all information media on which the brand will be featured. Workflow elements, POS, souvenirs, advertising structures and navigation are all part of a brandbook. The development cost of this document directly depends on the list of products a brand needs to communicate with its future buyers and partners. Based on our experience, we can provide you with a list of standard elements specific to your business segment but its final version is generally created in the process of discussion and negotiation.

The result: a pdf-presentation with standards, layouts of branded products in vector format.


Rebranding deals with communication in the first place and only then it has to do with design. It can be carried out both for the brand and for the manufacturer.

Rebranding includes new positioning, philosophy, as well as a visual element.

The reasons for this procedure may be brand aging (the old logo and style guide do not match up to modern communication channels), competition (emergence of new players in the market), mergers (which often leads to repositioning of business operations) and many more.

In the process of rebranding, while taking into account the new concept of your work, we create a new logo and corporate identity, adapt the visual part to different formats – social media, web and motion, carry out new objectives of your business.


Creating an identity for small and medium-sized businesses can cost from $500 to $5,000 or more for the complex implementation of a logo, brand elements, banners, promotion content, etc. The budget is not very limited.

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